Today I’m breaking all the show rules and talking to Mike Cameron, author, entrepreneur, leadership coach, and two-time TEDx speaker. In 2015, tragedy struck and Mike embarked on a journey in order to use his experience and expertise to help men better connect with themselves and others. He joins us today to discuss his journey and how he is helping men to redefine what it means to be a badass.
The concept of strength for men has become warped over the years and potentially impacts how men show up in the world. Mike’s girlfriend Carissa would call him a badass back in 2015. He wasn’t what the stereotypical jock badass looked like and fit more with the nerd stereotype, but he loved being called a “badass”. Carissa was murdered by an ex-boyfriend who then took his own life, leading Mike to embark on his mission to redefine cultural male paradigms.
Western culture emphasizes strength and stoicism in men. In reality, selectively numbing and suppressing emotions only damages emotional connections. Curiosity was the seed that started Mike’s initiative. He wanted to learn more and find what was already happening in the space of preventing domestic violence. It turned out there was nothing that matched up with what he thought needed to happen.
In his own life, Mike has learned more compassion, patience, and empathy. That in turn has allowed space for others in his life to flourish. It’s easy to misinterpret taking up more space as being more dominant and assertive, but what it means is creating balance whilst also creating space for others.
The take away advise from this episode it to empathize with the men in your life and employ curiosity over judgment. Let go of insecurities and have conversations.
Find out more about Mike:
Website: https://mikecameron.ca/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/axiommike/?originalSubdomain=ca